15% Off Headless CMS with Laravel JSON:API Coupon Code

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Save 15% Off Headless CMS with Laravel JSON:API Coupon Code.


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Just plug in your frontend, web, mobile & desktop app

“Bring your own device” (BYOD) is so last year. We want to make “bring your own frontend” the new trend. So we partnered with UPDIVISION to create the ultimate BYOF resource. Just download the Headless CMS with Laravel JSON API, plug in your Vue, React or Angular frontend and kickstart your next project. In fact, you can connect any type of web, mobile or desktop app.

Keep your standards high & your server load low

The headless CMS follows the JSON:API standard for building APIs in JSON. JSON:API is a specification for how a client should request that resources be fetched or modified, and how a server should respond to those requests. It`s specifically designed to increase efficiency by keeping the number of requests and the amount of data transmitted between clients and servers to a minimum.

Keep frontend/backend conflicts to a minimum

Frontends often require a certain response payload structure to match the screen design. Any developer who argued about request and response formats knows things can get quite heated. By following JSON:API standards, we make sure you never get an array when you’re expecting a string. Headless CMS with Laravel JSON API allows you to keep frontend/backend conflicts to a minimum.

Microservices-friendly product

Headless CMS with Laravel JSON API helps you build apps with a modular architecture across a variety of devices and operating systems. The microsevices way. You get the high-level architecture you need to start building distributed, scalable web apps. It makes it easier to build and work on individual parts of your app, with each service communicating through an API.

Lightweight CMS out of the box

Headless CMS with Laravel JSON API provides basic CRUD endpoints for the most commonly used functionalities in any CMS.

  • Authentication API: login, logout, register, send reset password email & reset password
  • Profile API: get profile, update profile
  • Users API: list, create, update and delete users, upload profile image
  • Roles API: list, create, edit and remove roles
  • Permissions API: list available permissions
  • Tags API: list, create, update and delete tags
  • Categories API: list, create, update and delete categories
  • Items API: list, create, update, delete items & upload item image

Get 15% Off Headless CMS with Laravel JSON:API Discount Code.

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