15% Off Light Bootstrap Dashboard Pro Coupon Code

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Save 15% Off Light Bootstrap Dashboard Pro Coupon Code.

Light Bootstrap Dashboard PRO is a Bootstrap Admin Theme designed to look simple and beautiful. Forget about boring dashboards and grab yourself a copy to kickstart new project!

CreativeTim Coupon [Creative Code SRL]

Light Bootstrap Dashboard PRO is a Bootstrap Admin Theme designed to look simple and beautiful. Forget about boring dashboards and grab yourself a copy to kickstart new project!

What it is

Light Bootstrap Dashboard is built over Bootstrap and it comes integrated with a large number of third-party apps redesigned to fit in with the rest of the elements.

If you want to see the basic version of the dashboard, please check out this link. You can download it for free and play around to see if you like the look and feel of it.

This product came as a result of users asking for more functionality than the basic version. We developed it based your feedback and apps you are building. It is very powerful tool, that will allow you to build products ranging to admin panels to content managements systems.

What it is isn't

The Light Bootstrap Dashboard PRO is not a bloated-up bundle full with stuff you don't need. We actually take pride in the amount the stuff we didn't add to it. You will only find the stuff that you actually use in this product. No 8-levels navigation nobody uses, no irrelevant boxed layout, no drag and drop for cards(seriously, who goes around moving the display of his panel in everyday life?).

This dashboard is not something that you will grab and maybe use at some point. It is not a boring old tool and it is probably not what you already have in your project. It is the key to developing your next product.

Get 15% Off Light Bootstrap Dashboard Pro Discount Code.

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