15% Off Material Kit 2 PRO Coupon Code

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Save 15% Off Material Kit 2 PRO Coupon Code.

Start Your Development With A Badass Bootstrap 5 Design System inspired by Material Design. If you like Google's Material Design, you will love this kit! It features a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing.

CreativeTim Coupon [Creative Code SRL]

Start Your Development With A Badass Bootstrap 4 UI Kit inspired by Material Design. If you like Google's Material Design, you will love this kit! It features a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing.

Fully Coded Items

Material Kit PRO features over 1000 individual components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. This means that there are thousands of possible combinations. All components can take variations in colour, that you can easily modify using SASS files.

Every item comes in 2 forms: PSD element and HTML/CSS/JS implementation. You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code, because all elements are implemented. We wanted the design process to be seamless, so switching from image to the real page is very easy to do.

Layered Components
Every components comes with separate layers organised in folders. Every element has multiple states for colors, styles, hover, focus, that you can easily access and use. All PSD files are easy-to-use and we also offer support for any issue that you may find. You will find it easy to make changes and customise the elements, due to the smart objects used.

View all components here.


Material Kit comes packed with a large number of sections. Putting together a page has never been easier than matching together sections. From team presentation to pricing options, you can easily customise and built your pages. We have created multiple options for you to put together and customise into pixel perfect pages.. View all sections here.

Example Pages

If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump start your development with our pre-built example pages. From landing pages to e-commerce or blog pages, you will be able to quickly set up the basic structure for your web project. View example pages here.

Header image courtesy of Ticu Razvan Narcis.

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