15% Off Now UI Kit PRO Angular Coupon Code

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Save 15% Off Now UI Kit PRO Angular Coupon Code.

Now UI Kit PRO Angular is a premium Bootstrap 4 UI Kit built on top of Angular 5 with a huge number of components, sections and example pages. All the components are designed to look great together, following the same design pattern. Any elements that are vital to code a web project is already here, fully coded. All components are fully responsive and look great on every screen size. Transitions, shadows, colors, they all resemble the flow you would use pieces of paper.

CreativeTim Coupon [Creative Code SRL]

Now UI Kit PRO Angular is a premium Bootstrap 4 UI Kit built on top of Angular 5 with a huge number of components, sections and example pages. All the components are designed to look great together, following the same design pattern. Any elements that are vital to code a web project is already here, fully coded. All components are fully responsive and look great on every screen size. Transitions, shadows, colors, they all resemble the flow you would use pieces of paper.
Now UI Kit PRO Angular is the extended version of Now UI Kit, provided by Invision and Creative Tim. Based on feedback from people that downloaded and used it, we implemented the Angular version and we have created multiple examples pages. We are curious to see how you want to use it and also improve it, so let us know any feedback you have.

Now UI Kit PRO Angular is built on top of Bootstrap 4, so it fully supports it. Most of the elements from the framework are re-designed to resemble sheets of paper and color pastels. If there are elements that we have not touched, they will gracefully fall back to the Bootstrap 4 default.

Once you download the archive, you will be able find a tutorial page inside it explaining how to start using it. We have also created a page describing every component that you can find it inside the kit, how to use it along with a fully coded examples.

Get 15% Off Now UI Kit PRO Angular Discount Code.

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