15% Off Vue White Dashboard PRO Laravel Coupon Code

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Save 15% Off Vue White Dashboard PRO Laravel Coupon Code.

Build API-first apps with a simple and elegant design using two of the most popular technologies: Vue and Laravel.

CreativeTim Coupon [Creative Code SRL]

Build API-first apps with simple and elegant design using two of the most popular technologies: Vue and Laravel. We’ve partnered with UPDIVISION to create the ultimate fullstack resource, complete with all the UI components you might need, a Vue frontend and an API-powered Laravel backend.

What am I getting?

You’re getting a multi-purpose tool for building complex apps. Build apps for all devices using the JSON:API standard.

Vue White Dashboard PRO Laravel at a glance:

  • 200 handcrafted UI components to fit all your needs
  • 28 example pages to get you inspired
  • 17 customized plug-ins
  • Modular Vuex store with modules for each JSON API resource
  • Laravel API backend
  • CRUD endpoints for the most used functionalities in any CMS: role-based authentication system, my profile, CRUDs for managing users, roles, items, categories and tags
  • Documentation for each component and API endpoint

How is this different from your other Laravel dashboards?

Rather than having a monolith Laravel backend, the API does all the heavy lifting, so you can:

  • cut development time by keeping frontend-backend conflicts to a minimum
  • never argue again about how responses should be formatted. By following JSON:API standards we make sure you never get an array when you’re expecting a string.
  • have everything work seamlessly, regardless of your project. The API backend is reusable across devices.
  • keep everything neat and tidy, but also easily shareable across team members. We make sure you don’t lose steam as you extend functionalities through API and grow your app.

How is JSON:API different?

  • comes with filtering, sorting, pagination, includes & more
  • it’s great at making your JSON response formatting more consistent
  • has super efficient caching features that can eliminate superfluous server requests

Get 15% Off Vue White Dashboard PRO Laravel Discount Code.

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