5% Off Border Menu Extension for WYSIWYG Web Builder Coupon Code

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Save 5% Off Border Menu Extension for WYSIWYG Web Builder Coupon Code

This extension implements an animated border menu. When the user clicks the hamburger icon, a full screen overlay border menu will appear. Menu items can have text and an icon. The menu is responsive and can have different font and icon sizes in breakpoints. The menu itself also has a breakpoint which makes it possible to hide text on smaller screens.

The Border Menu extension for WYSIWYG Web Builder implements an animated border menu. When the user clicks the hamburger icon, a full screen overlay border menu will appear. Menu items can have text and an icon. The menu is responsive and can have different font and icon sizes in breakpoints. The menu itself also has a breakpoint which makes it possible to hide text on smaller screens.

The menu has support icon libraries, like Font Awesome, Material Icons, Open Iconic, IonIcons etc. Icons can also be published as embedded SVG to keep the page weight low.


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