5% Off Site Statistics Extension for WYSIWYG Web Builder Coupon Code

WYSIWYG Web Builder Coupons
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Save 5% Off Site Statistics Extension for WYSIWYG Web Builder Coupon Code

Keep track of the total and unique visits per page. The results can be displayed in a chart.

This WYSIWYG Web Builder extension keeps track of the number of unique and total visits per page.

  • Supports 3 modes: Text, Image, Invisible.
  • 25 image styles are included.
  • Keep track of total and unique visits.
  • Store data in a MySQL database.
  • Ignores visits of search bots.
  • For each visit the date, IP address and user agent will be stored.
  • Display statistics in a chart (bars, line or pie).
  • Chart image can be used anywhere in your website.
  • Many text styles options: font, shadow, background, border, padding etc.


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