Save 10% Off Zenith Harmonic Patterns Predictor Coupon Code
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Save 10% Off Zenith Harmonic Patterns Predictor Coupon Code

Zenith Harmonic Patterns Predictor predicts the C and D legs of a bunch of different Harmonic Patterns.  What makes this different from all the other Harmonic Pattern software out there is that all the others show you completed patterns (A-B-C-D) and then your job is to trade the price reversals off the close of the D leg.

What Zenith Harmonic Patterns Predictor software does is to plot out the A and B legs, then gives you a variety of C leg targets to shoot for, and follows that up with D leg targets.  Once the D leg closes, you then have a group of Reversal targets to aim for.  As of this writing there is nothing else out there like this.

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Zenith Harmonic Patterns Predictor gives the trader a chance to trade a Trend by targeting the D point and when D is hit, trading a reversal for even more pips.

The settings can be adjusted to a traders desire, for example the the accuracy level can be set to 80%, 90% or 60% or any number in between.. the lover the number the more patterns or trade targets you are likely to get, the higher the number the less the trade targets you are likely to get, but the more the likelihood that a target will go to the expected direction.

This is a new era for traders who like to trade patterns and get a chance to trade a trend and a reversal too. This software is appropriate for medium to expert proficiency in trading.

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